Year 5 Production Reflection

Production Reflection 

“Did somebody say something?” That was one of my lines in Hanging on to the bottom of the World. On the 28th of of November we had our evening performance. We have been rehearsing all term and put lots and lots of effort towards it. Our play is called Hanging Onto the Bottom of The World by Barry Kay. It sat arts with Captain Cook finding Australia and moves onto when Australia federated. I was a bridesmaid (N.S.W’s bridesmaid), a governor and a spectator. We had to wear a suit, cravat, and a top hat. 

I think I used courage, reflection and passion. I think I used courage because it took courage to get on the stage in front of lots of parents and teachers and perform my lines. I had to use reflection because I looked back on what I had done and what other people had done and changed mine or improved it. We all had to use passion to put emphasis on all of our lines. This made  it more interesting, more meaningful, and at times more funny.

I think we have all grown and improved on our acting skills. We have had many rehearsals on our play and each lesson we improve on many of the principles good actors have. We have been thought about the ability too speak loud (not shouting or yelling) as well as speaking clearly. These points are important so the audience can hear you loud and clear. I also learnt body language is just as (if not more) important than verbal language. 

I think a challenge for me was ‘not being  Christian’ (like what Miss Q said) but acting in my character. This was putting on a English accent got some people or acting shyly for others. At the start,  everyone was just reading off the script with no meaning or emphasis and at the end we performed with no script and plenty of meaning. 

I would like to shout out to Harvey in 5B, Sarah in 5B, Ellie, Eleanor, Scarlet and Mia and Leo. Harvey had lots of lines and when he performed he made each word count. Sarah and the Tea ladies were always in her characters. The tea ladies role was super funny and Leo varies his voice depending on what he was  saying. 

Thank you to all the year five staff and to Tim. They helped organise us and made the production the best it could be. And another special shout out to Miss Q for directing our play.

Have you every done a play or performance at school?

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